Intellipocket’s membership solution offers an environmentally-friendly, cost-effective, and secure way to store membership cards in Google and Apple Wallet or a customized mobile app. User-friendliness increases and member loyalty improves when the membership card is always accessible from the phone. A customized mobile application for the association enables efficient content production for membership communication, such as benefits, announcements, and member activities. Thanks to the patented card distribution mechanism, the card information remains secure and protected within the phone’s mechanisms. Membership cards can be integrated into the membership registry. The cards stay up-to-date as their validity period can be extended or the card can be deactivated. Managing membership cards is cost-effective and hassle-free.
A mobile membership card brings the association closer to the member and improves member loyalty
Intellipocket's membership card and association, organization, or club
Choose, integrate, automate, communicate, and maintain – that’s how you create a successful mobile membership card on the Intellipocket platform.

Choose the alternative platform: select Intellipocket’s card platform, either a simple membership card for Google and Apple Wallet or a customized membership app to replace the old card.
Integrate systems: Replace the distribution of the old membership card by connecting membership card or app orders to Intellipocket’s API.
Automate distribution: Create triggers in the membership registry to initiate the delivery of the membership card.
End the old card: Remove the old and expensive card from members’ access or discontinue its usage altogether.
Inform about the card: Notify members about the new membership card and direct them to the member channel to order a new card.
Maintain the membership card: Update the card’s content to keep members informed about the association’s updates and news.
Intellipocket’s membership solutions for associations, organizations, and clubs

Membership card and mobile app
- Membership card – Google and Apple Wallet
- Membership application – single standard web app
- Online tool for managing content within the membership application
- Interface for delivering cards and applications from the membership registry
- Application platform protected by international patents

User registry
- User registry owned by the association, organization, or club
- User data owned by the association, organization, or club
- Online tool for user management
- Graphical view and Excel reports

Mobile membership communication
- Member content
- Links to member services
- Member survey template
- Discount and promotional coupons
- Work hour record keeping
- Online tool for marketing messages